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Ready for the last Naturally Frugal beauty tip of the 31 Days series? Hold on to your hats–this one will seem really weird. But of all of them, it is the one that can make the biggest impact for everyone–from pimply teen to the forty-something looking for younger skin. I’ve shared this with dozens of my friends and they all rave about what it does for their skin. It works almost overnight–from the first time you try it, you will be amazed!

A year ago I stumbled upon a natural face wash that revolutionized my skin care regiment. I thought it was very cruel that at age 40 I was suffering from both mild acne breakouts and wrinkles! I stumbled upon several discussions of how honey is a miracle cure for both acne and wrinkles, and I was intrigued. I decided to give it a try–after all, I had honey sitting in my cabinet and thought nothing ventured, nothing gained. I expected it to be really sticky and messy, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised to find that if your hands and face are damp, the honey isn’t sticky at all. It has been a true miracle in skincare for me!

Why Honey?

As I’ve read up on why so many people use either plain honey or honey mixed with a couple of other ingredients, I’ve learned a lot about the health properties of honey.

Honey is rich in glycolic acids. These are the natural acids used in expensive face creams and treatments to remove past sun damage and scarring. overlooked pantry staple has a whole lot going on under the hood. Honey has been a beauty trick of some of the most beautiful women in history, including Cleopatra. We’ve been told for so many years that for beauty products to work they must be complicated and full of secret formulas that cost us a lot of money. It just isn’t true!

Here’s what honey does for the skin:

  • Honey is naturally antibacterial, making it an excellent treatment for those who are acne-prone.
  • Honey is a natural humectant, meaning it attracts and retains moisture on the face.
  • Honey is gentle, so it is good even for those with sensitive skin. (Like me!)
  • Honey tightens pores in the skin.
  • Honey brightens up skin, giving it a youthful appearance.

How is it Used?

There are three main methods to using honey as a face wash, and I’ve tested all of them.

1.  The simplest method is the one I use most often–simply slather a tablespoon or two of raw, organic honey onto your face. Let it sit for 60 seconds or so, then wipe off gently with a warm wet cloth. It isn’t nearly as sticky as it sounds. Surprisingly enough with hands that are only slightly damp, the honey slathers easily and feels like a thick cream, not like the sticky, gooey mess that I’d expected it to be.

2.  For a gentle exfoliation, use this mixture: mix 1 tsp baking soda with 2 tablespoons of honey. Spread on your face and rub gently, then wipe off gently with a warm, wet cloth. I’ve found that if you let the baking soda and honey mixture sit for a few minutes in a bowl before you use it that it will foam up ever so slightly and feels really nice on your face. I use this method once a week to exfoliate. As winter approaches, make sure to get your lips too–get that dead skin off!

3.  For heavier acne or more damaged skin, try this mask: wash your face as usual to make sure it is clean. Then take a warm wet cloth and lay it over your face for a few seconds to open up your pores. Then spread a few tablespoons of honey onto your face in a thin layer. Let sit for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with a warm wet cloth. Your skin will feel smooth, look brighter and your pores should appear smaller. The honey will also work on any acne or scars, working to cause them to fade quicker.

So far I’ve had amazing results. Really, I can’t believe I used to pay so much for cleansing rituals (and I still had breakouts and blotchy skin) when this inexpensive miracle cleanser has been sitting in my kitchen pantry! After two weeks of the daily face wash my age spots were almost invisible. I have to really look hard to see them–and they were pretty dark to begin with. Those little laugh lines around my eyes are getting harder and harder to spot. I’ve had NO breakouts since starting this, something I was used to getting periodically. My skin isn’t blotchy anymore, with enough of a change that I don’t mind going out without makeup from time to time. And my skin is smooth–and soft. Oh so smooth and soft!!

I do use raw organic honey, but it was what I had on hand. I’m told that it works best but that the regular honey you buy in the store will work as well–just not quite as well.  I spent $6 on my bottle of organic honey, and I expect it to last me several months.

Have you ever tried honey for your face? What have your results been?

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