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Naturally Frugal: Scrub-Free Showerhead Cleaner

Naturally Frugal: Scrub-Free Showerhead Cleaner

Have you ever looked up at your showerhead and wondered what has happened to your water pressure lately? If your shower is more than a year or two old, you most likely have experienced a loss of water spray due to hard water buildup. If you look up at your showerhead,...
Dry as a Bone

Dry as a Bone

Earlier today I remembered that there were blackberries growing wild in the woods behind my house. Braving chiggers, snakes and ticks, I decided I’d trek down there to see if they were ready to be picked. I remembered as a kid I always picking them with my mom...

Naturally Frugal: Change Those Lightbulbs!

    Did you know there’s a very simple way to reduce your cooling bills this summer? Change your light bulbs! If you’re using a traditional incandescent light bulb, you want to change it out for a CFL or LED bulb during the summer. Sure, it uses...
Tuesday Tips: Sun Tea Science

Tuesday Tips: Sun Tea Science

I’m a big fan of hands-on learning. Both of my kids are visual learners, so I like to combine practical tasks with teaching the science or math behind them. When I go shopping I’ll often hand the kids the list and let them do some of the math involved in...

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